Hotel Caesar
Pesaro (PU)
TripAdvisor | Annual except 23-27 December |
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The hotel in two words
A stay at Hotel Caesar means relaxing and feeling pampered by services and every type of comfort every day. The hotel is right on the sea in Pesaro, a stone’s throw from the town centre and also near the main services.
On the third floor of the hotel, you’ll find a panoramic swimming pool, ideal for relaxing moments, surrounded by sun loungers. In the rooms, you’ll find everything you need for a holiday filled with comfort and they all have a balcony, for moments of tranquillity while enjoying the sound of the sea.
Mealtimes await you for a journey though the flavours of traditional Pesaro cuisine, with first and second courses based on local products.
All-Inclusive services
Main services
- Packed lunch
- Garage
- Parking
- Water included with meals
Services at the hotel
- Pets welcome
- Reception from 6 a.m. to midnight
- Pool
- Wi-Fi
- Bar
- Laundrette
Family services
- Children's pool
- Beach with play equipment for children 3-10 years of age
- Family Rooms
Every room is complete with the best services to ensure a good rest.
At Hotel Caesar, every meal is a journey through the flavours of traditional Pesaro cuisine. It all starts in the morning, with the buffet-style breakfast, based on typical sweet and savoury products like homemade cakes, cold cuts and eggs. Until dinner tine, when you can taste first and second courses made with local products, like passatelli, tagliatelle and nidi di rondine pasta, lasagna, or cuttlefish with peas. Not to mention the homemade desserts like mascarpone mousse. |
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